Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Avant-garde cinema

Is Avant-garde another way of saying "apiecea-crappe"?

Flaming Creatures (1962):  .  Watching this one was like watching a train wreck.  If you are into drag-queens, restraints, male genitalia and female mammaries flopping around and half-naked people mixed with awkward silences, show tunes and 50s pop songs, then this one is worth a look.  I guess I am looking for a whole lot more from film as art.  Missing this one is no crime.  I am glad to get it out of the way.  I might look into some of his (Jack Smith) other works that are available without the outlay of money, just to see if he had anything else to offer but I kinda doubt it. 

Blonde Cobra (1963): Are you kidding me?  Immediately upon learning that this was somehow related to Jack Smith I wasn't expecting a lot.  This one basically plays out like the story of a few guys with a movie camera, who are stuck in a cabin in the snow with an old Victorola and a bunch of 78rpm records to pass the time, getting drunk while cameras roll, they talk about the weirdest things, one of the narrators sounding amazingly like Miss Piggy.  That's about it.

Meshes of the Evening (1943):  Maya Deren. An experimental film following a woman who may or may not be dreaming.  She walks into an apartment, goes upstair only to look out the window and see herself chasing after a grim reaper who looks a bit like the ghost of Christmas to come in "Scrooged". Plays a little like a very short version of Groundhogs Day.  Was originally silent but later provided with a soundtrack which adds a significant ambiance.

Scorpio Rising (1964) Kenneth Anger's film about guys in leather and chains, motorcycles and a bevy of 50s pop hits. Between the dressing rituals, the partying and motorcycle racing with a mingling of film about Christ and his disciples and Adolph Hitler, I am left wondering about the meaning.

Hold Me While I'm Naked (1966) George Kucher's film that if I hadn't read it somewhere would have never guessed it was about sexual frustration. A small film director's lead actress quits a film because she is tired of performing in all her scenes naked.

ubu.com appears to be a good place to go if you want a sampling of avant-garde films.  Those I found in this post are just the tip of the iceberg.  There are a few more from "The Book" available there as well as SO MANY OTHERS.


  1. I was wondering what you were going to do about some of the experimental entries into the book. I'm glad you found this website, because some of these are just not out there in any other format.

    I'm bummed to hear that Blonde Cobra is bad, just based on the name it sounds awesome!

  2. You know, some people like Norman Rockwell, some people like Salvador Dali. Some like both some could care less. Seeing any of these films will not waste a whole evening, or the may help you decide if these types of films are your cup of tea. Of course, if you try to watch all the films on ubu, you are going to be occupied for quite some time. I found a segment of "Flaming Creatures" Yahoo Video with another really odd song that I was disappointed was not actually present in the film as found at ubu and it does make me wonder if that was someone else's little inventive project or just another take.
